
Conservation of food can be done without heath nor chemicals by using HPP High Pressure Processing. See It kills all (!!) germs by high pressure, not by high temperatures, nor by chemicals. Keeping even meat and dairy packed in air tight plastic without cooling good for months without any chemical added. Physics has so its advantage above chemics.

Currently this HPP process in done in a machine that handles small payloads per batch and the products must be placed by hand in the pressure capsules. Both facets make HPP relative very expensive ($ 1 per unit). This cost price halts back the massive use of HPP within the food industry. Currently it’s mainly used for relative expensive products like in plastic sealed meat and plastic bottles of exclusive/gourmet sauces.

Conservation.One knows how to HPP low cost in huge container sized rooms where truckloads of packed products can be rolled in and processed fast and at low cost ($ 0.10 per unit). Making these pressure rooms to one of the most attractive real estate objects in terms of ROI.

Conservation.One offers large food manufacturers that have tested it and want to roll-out it massively on their products: the construction os these rooms on-site of their plants so they don’t have extra trucking/logistic costs, nor time delay in exchange of long term volume contracts. How to build rooms this size than can handle these pressure several times an hour is the core business model. It’s a merge of physics and construction.

HPP by Conservation.One will become huge. The only two limitations are that the packaging should be made of plastic (as it should be able to resist very high pressures) and carton boxing should be replaced by plastic sealing (as water is used as the pressure medium).

HPP by Conservation.One will replace all meat and dairy conservation methods and will reshuffle the global meat and dairy market severely. Milk and dairy can have their original non processed, non-cooked, non-pasteurized flavour and could be exported in non-cooled containers around the globe. But also other products like sauces, curries, etc would use HPP to increase both their quality and shelf-life-time.

HPP by Conservation.One will change food production, distribution, shelf life times, geographical reach, etc. HPP is a huge tool is conservation of food surpluses to bring them to the global markets.

HPP by Conservation.One will increase global food quality and global food supply. It will totally disrupt at least the global meat and dairy market totally.